Ever since I had a very awesome chocolate chip caramel cookie from an office bake sale, I have been on the quest of searching for the perfect chocolate chip caramel cookies recipe.
I've tried the basic Chocolate Chunk Caramel Cookies, which tasted awesome, but the cookies are not spreading and texture was not what I am looking for. Then I tried the Mysterious caramel chocolate chips cookies, which was closer, but still not quite.
I like the cookies to be crisp on the outside but still soft inside with sandy texture. I also love the cookies with wavy patterns on top that created by spreading. Earlier this month, I tried two more recipes and I think I found what I looking for! Woohoo!caramel chocolate chip walnut cookies
recipes revised from // Brown Butter, Bacon & Chocolate Chip Cookies
3 dozen
Flour // 1¾ cup
White sugar // ¼ cup
Brown sugar // ½ cup
Butter, at room temperature // 8 tbsp
Shortening // 4 tbsp
Baking soda // 1 tsp
Egg, large // 1
Egg yolk, large // 1
Salt // 1 tsp
Vanilla extract // 2 tsp
Bittersweet chocolate chips // ½ cup
Walnut // ¾ cup
Caramel candy, grated or finely chopped // 5 pieces
1. Put your oven rack in the middle and heat your oven to 375 degrees. Whisk together flour with baking soda. Set aside.
2. Heat butter in a skillet over medium heat until melted. Continue cooking until it turns a dark, golden brown and smells divine. Swirl this pan constantly and stir the bottom frequently for good measure. Watch this carefully! As soon as it's done, take off the heat and pour immediately into a heatproof bowl. Stir in shortening so that they melt.
3. Put the butter in a large mixing bowl and add sugar, dark brown sugar, salt and vanilla. Add egg and egg yolk and mix until mixture is fully incorporated.
4. Let sugar/egg/butter mixture stand for a few minutes. Then whisk again for 30 seconds. Do this several times - you want to make sure that the sugar has "melted" into the liquid. When ready, mixture will be smooth, thick and shiny.
5. Using wooden spoon, stir in the flour mixture until just combined. Stir in chocolate chips, grated caramel and walnuts. Don't over mix but make sure no flour pockets remain.
6. Using a teaspoon, place a heaping teaspoon of cookie dough on the baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
7. Bake 375F for 10-14 minutes or until cookies are golden-brown and set along the edges but the middle is still soft. Remove from oven and set baking sheet on a wire rack and let cool for at least 10 minutes, keeping the cookies on the baking sheet.焦糖朱古力核桃曲奇
recipes revised from // Brown Butter, Bacon & Chocolate Chip Cookies
3 dozen
中筋麵粉 // 1¾ cup
砂糖 // ¼ cup
黃糖 // ½ cup
牛油, 室溫軟化 // 8 tbsp
固體菜油/酥油 // 4 tbsp
蘇打粉 // 1 tsp
雞蛋, 大 // 1
蛋黃, 大// 1
鹽 // 1 tsp
云尼拿香精 // 2 tsp
苦甜朱古力粒 // ½ cup
核桃 // ¾ cup
焦糖/toffee糖, 刨絲或切碎 // 5 pieces
1. 預熱焗爐 375F。將麵粉和蘇打粉拌在一起,備用。
2. 小鍋內放牛油,以中火加熱,不時轉動木匙攪拌低部,直至煮成深金黃色及出香味。變色後立刻離火,到入另一耐熱碗內。加入酥油,拌勻。
3. 牛油溶液內加入黃糖,白糖,鹽和云尼拿香精。分次加入雞蛋,打發至順滑。
4. 讓牛油蛋漿靜置數分鐘,再攪拌30秒。重覆數次,如此能確保糖份完全溶入牛油蛋漿內。此時牛油蛋漿呈順滑,厚身及有光澤。
5. 加入麵粉,用木匙攪拌至剛好混合。再加入焦糖,苦甜朱古力粒和核桃,拌勻看不見粉粒就可以了,小心過度攪拌。.
6. 取1tbps的麵糊放在烘紙上,曲奇邊留些空位。
7. 375° F焗約10-14分鐘直至曲奇表面金啡色,邊緣呈酥脆但布中心鬆軟狀。留在焗盆上10分鐘,才移至網架上放涼。
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
caramel chocolate chip walnut cookies 焦糖朱古力核桃曲奇
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