為免再發生綠色的橙事件(T君的傑作),我這幾天很努力地為雪櫃大掃除。購買最少量的食材來配合消耗所有剩餘物資,完全是考我的組織能力。幸好成績蜚然,通通都清光了呢!爬地剩下的燒牛肉、蛋和生菜變成沙律;番茄、洋荵和芝士變成lasagna;牛油果變成guacamole配剩下的tortilla chips;高筋麵粉、雞、青蘋果和牛奶變成青蘋果麵包;核桃、牛油、蛋變成曲奇餅...!
recipes revised from // 蘋果麵包 by TPC
: 蘋果餡 :
青蘋果, 去皮切粒 // 3
砂糖 // 3 tbsp
牛油 // 15g
1. 鍋中下牛油煎香,下蘋果略炒,再下砂糖略焦。170C/338F 焗15分鐘收乾水份,放涼待用。
: 材料 :
高筋麵粉 // 125g
低筋麵粉 // 125g
乾酵母 // 5g
細砂糖 // 15g
鹽 // 2g
鮮奶 // 126g
蛋 // 30g
牛油 // 30g
1. 將所有材料(牛油除外)放入攪拌盆中,拌成粗麵糰,再加牛油再搓至光滑接近薄膜狀態。蓋上保鮮膜做基本發酵至2倍大。
2. 分割成兩個,滾圓靜置10分鐘。
3. 鬆弛完畢後麵糰用手壓扁後,以桿麵棍桿平,包入蘋果餡。
4. 最後發酵至2倍大。
5. 180C/350F 焗20分鐘。
* notes *
1/ 我跟原食譜做過一次,麵糰超乾,完全搓不出光滑,所以宣告失敗。
2/ 高低筋麵粉份量可以自行更改,我是因為不夠高粉才各用一半。成品軟綿綿,按下還是會回彈的,不過要handle with care ;)
3/ 我試過跟原食譜在麵糰打好後加入蘋果粒,超難操作所以就不建議這樣做。若真的想這樣做的話,記得蘋果粒要收乾水份但不要煮至腍,硬一點應該比較好操作,或者可以試試打成蘋果泥加入去。
4/ 糖的分量可以再加多些,我做出來的麵包體是不甜的,應該可以多加10~15g。如果用紅蘋果的話,加5~10g就應該可以了。Apple stuffed bread
2 loaves
: Apple filling :
Ganny Smith Apples, peeled, cored & chopped // 3
Sugar // 3 tbsp
Butter // 15g
1. Melt butter in saucepan, stir in apple and sugar. Bake the apple at 350F for 15 minutes or until dried.
: Bread dough :
Bread flour // 125g
Cake flour // 125g
Active dry yeast // 5g
Sugar // 15g
Salt // 2g
Milk // 126g
Egg // 30g
Butter // 30g
1. In a large bowl, combine everything except butter. Beat until well blended using a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment. Add in butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball. Place dough in a greased bowl. Cover, and let rise in a warm place for 60 minutes (double in size).
2. Divide in the dough into 2 balls. Let rest for 10 minutes.
3. Roll each dough into long strip, fill it with apples and roll it up to form a loaf.
4. Let rise for 50 minutes or until double in size. Brush egg wash or milk on the top of each dough.
5. Bake 180C/350F for 20 minutes.
我非常滿意今次的成品,正正是我所預期的moist, chewy caramel cookies。神秘焦糖朱古力曲奇有多神秘?都幾神秘的!神秘在於加了一樣聽起上來很匪夷所思的調味料--蒜頭!不知道會不會人人接受,但確是另有一番風味,我倒是喜歡這混合出來的味道。
做法是焦糖煮好後加入用水煮過的蒜粒和核桃,放涼後壓碎加入麵糰裡。多了些功夫,但有驚豔效果喔!Mysterious caramel chocolate chips cookies
recipes revised from // Garlic Brittle Cookies & Chewy Chocolate Chips Cookies
3 dozen
: garlic brittle :
garlic // 5~7 cloves
Sugar // 1/2 cup
Corn syrup // ¼ cup
butter // 1 tbsp
vanilla // 1/2 tsp
salt // ¼ tsp
walnuts, toasted and chopped // 1 cup
: cookies :
White sugar // ¼ cup
Brown sugar // 1/2 cup
Butter, at room temperature // 1 cup
Shortening // 1/3 cup (recommended substitute: butter or vegetable oil)
Baking soda // 1 tsp
Egg // 1
Vanilla extract // 1 tsp
All purpose flour // 1 1/2 cup
Chopped toasted nuts // 1/2 cup
Chocolate chips // 1 cup
Garlic brittle // 1 cup
1. Heat oven to 375F. Mix sugars, butter, shortening, egg, and vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, stir flour and baking soda. Add the flour mixture, chocolate chips and nuts to the wet ingredients. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto ungreased baking sheets.
3. Bake 375F for 8-9 min, or just until edges begin to brown.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Apple stuffed bread + Mysterious caramel chocolate chips cookies
青蘋果麵包 + 神秘焦糖朱古力曲奇
topics :: recipe.bread | recipe.cookies
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返鄉下la?! I miss HK but 我miss太平館's瑞士雞翼 most!
Garlic with chocolate, I don’t know about that…
會stay HK多久呢?!
Vi, actually I never have those before! Are they that good? My childhood nickname is chicken wings killer XD
siukwan: Oh yea, we are living in the same time zone now :D
For a very lonnnnnnng time, at least until Chinese New Year!
I don't know about others but I love it! Other than the 瑞士雞翼, I like the 瑞士sauce over noodle too...yummy~~~~~~~
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