一班朋友浩浩蕩蕩由Vancouver出發來Seattle shopping兼house warming。因為時間緊迫,前一天我已在廚房切切切,焗焗焗,完全沒停過。爬地當天早上我們去了一轉Portland,黃昏才到家,我一入門又開始在廚房忙過不停。幸好大家也很捧場,veggie dip, guacamole, yam fries & gralic mayo, cheese twist, roast beef, apple pie, cream puffs都差不多全清乾淨呢!
最開心的是roast beef,第一次焗就燒到外圍medium rare中間rare,剛好可以滿足喜茹毛飲血的某人和正常人類的口慾;Apple pie是朋友order的,焗得很脆很鬆化但跟我想像中的不太像,下次再努力!Cream puffs一向是我的拿手好戲之一,今次沒偷懶有creme patissierie和whipped cream兩層的;Yam fries是焗的,出乎意料外地容易整,大家都喜歡呢!
不是第一次host這類house party,但這是第一次我全權負責所有食物。今次很盡興,一次過弄了很多食物,朋友們吃得開心我也很高興呵!在朋友們的嬉戲聲和食物香氣下,我們的家確確實實地warm了起來呵 :)
爬地後的廚房 :: 鳴謝Eva, Nick, Elanie及Simon仗義幫忙
thanksgiving 戰利品 + house warming gifts
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving 爬地過後,蝗蟲過境
topics :: life
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Yam fries are tasty and I order that once a week from the cafe inside my office building. Yum!
Looks like you got some great stuff! Did you go banana on black Friday?
I didn't buy much over the thanksgiving weekend. In fact, I didn't buy anything on black Friday haha....when it's sooooo crowded, I would lose my shopping interest ;p Did you buy anything over the weekend?
I did but they were not on sale. I don't like crowed places but I like the rush of the holiday! It has so much spirits!
Absolutely! This is my first winter in US. I found it quite different from Canadian one. I can totally feel the holiday spirits starting Nov!
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