第三次造瑞士卷,終於像樣了 XD
雖然還是半甩皮,但今次終於沒裂痕也捲得圓呢! 好感動呀~~~朱古力瑞士卷
recipe revised from // 戚風蛋糕捲 by Eupho
蛋 // 4
糖 // 80g
牛奶 // 50 ml
油 // 3 tbsp
水果酒 // 1 tbsp
低筋麵粉 // 70g
可可粉 // 10g
泡打粉 // 1/2 tsp
白醋或檸檬汁 // 1 tsp
1. 烤盤上鋪紙,在邊緣四個角落各剪出一個缺口,整理烤盤紙使服貼在烤盤上。烤箱預熱至180 C/ 350 F。
2. 蛋黃與蛋白分開,大碗裡放入蛋黃與大約一半的糖,攪拌均勻,加入牛奶、水果酒與油攪拌至糖溶解。混合低筋麵粉與泡打粉,篩入蛋液中,攪拌至無粉粒。
3. 在乾淨無油的打蛋盆中放入蛋白與白醋一起打發,中途加入剩下的糖,直到提起攪拌頭可以拉出尖角且翻轉也不會滴落。
4. 用橡皮刀舀出1/3蛋白泡與蛋黃麵糊拌勻,然後把拌好的麵糊全部倒回剩下的蛋白泡中攪拌均勻,倒入烤盤中,把表面括平,用力震一下烤盤釋放大氣泡,然後放進烤箱烤約12~13分鐘。
5. 蛋糕出爐後立刻倒扣在另一張烤盤紙(B)上,待涼,冷卻之後撕掉蛋糕底紙(A:原來鋪烤盤用的那張),翻過來再撕掉另一張紙(B),把鋪烤盤的那張紙(A)反過來,用乾淨那面墊在蛋糕片下方。
6. 在靠近自己那端的蛋糕表面留 1 cm 空白,輕輕劃3刀,刀痕後開始抹上一層朱古力餡,自己那端抹多點朱古力餡,另一端留1吋空白。
7. 開始捲起,用下方的烤盤紙(A)輔助收捲(捲第一圈時要像捲壽司般握實,握好中心其餘就很容易捲了),用桿麵杖頂在後方幫助使收捲的角度平均,一邊捲,一邊收起烤紙,收尾處調整在正下方,以烤紙(A)包裹、移入冰箱冷藏靜置半小時即可切片食用。Chocolate Swiss Roll
one 15" cake roll
Eggs // 4
Sugar // 80g
Milk // 50 ml
Oil // 3 tbsp
Fruit Liquor // 1 tbsp
Cake flour // 70g
Coco powder // 10g
Baking powder // 1/2 tsp
White vinegar or lemon juice // 1 tsp
1. Cut a sheet of parchment paper to fit jellyroll pan, going up the sides by 1/2 an inch; cut down corners to make sharp edges.
2. Seperate egg yolks and egg whites. Place yolks in a mixing bowl, combine with around half of the sugar. Beat well. Add in milk, liquor and oil until sugar are dissolved. Add the flour and baking powder through sieve and beat well. set aside.
3. Beat egg whites and white vinegar together, add in the reminding sugar, beat until the egg white foam forms sharp angles.
4. Scoop up about 1/2 cup of the whites, using the attachments, and then blend them into the egg yolk mixture. Place it back to the reminding white mixture. Fold in gently. Pour the batter into the pan and evenly smooth out the top using an angled spatula. Hold the filled pan 3 inches above the working surface and then drop the filled pan; this helps to break up any large air pockets trapped in the batter. Bake for 12-13 minutes.
5. Remove the baked cake form oven and run a butter knife between the paper and the cake to loosen the cake. Invert the cake on another piece of parchment paper(B), wait until cool. When cooled, removed the original parchment paper (A), place the clean side up, invert the cake on (A), removed the other parchement paper (B).
6. Keep 1 cm of space on the cake surface closet to you. Gently cut three lines (do not cut through), spread the filling after the last line. Spread more from the line and less towards the other end. Leave 1 inch space at the other end.
7. Begin rolling the cake away from you, pressing gently and firmly as you roll using the parchment paper (A) and rolling pin. Place the roll with the seam side down and cool completely; tuck paper near sides to keep roll snug in place. Refrigerate the cake roll for 1/2 hour before slicing.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Chocolate swiss roll 朱古力瑞士卷
topics :: recipe.cake
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我始終沒勇氣嚐試任何蛋糕"卷"呢 : )
蛋糕卷一直是我心口的痛呀 XD
呵呵~~~ 好好味0架~~~~~
*evil smile*
By the way, I think this type of cake should be called "Swiss Roll", rather than "Swiss Cake Roll". Although Americans actually call it "Jelly Roll".
Swiss roll aka swiss cake roll aka cake roll aka jelly roll.....same thing XD
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