家裡的牛奶快到期了, 看到小熊家的絲絲牛奶麵包非常吸引, 所以...就是你啦~
正好多做一些作串門子用, 嘻!
小熊剛好聊起她的起毛三式, 我想想看, 我大慨有十式吧?
毛球藥引1: 沒衣食的人
魚家衣食住行中最注重的就是食, 懂得食不代表食得矜貴, 食得刁鑽也不代表懂得食
自小魚爸魚媽就教做人要有衣食(慘了, 我不知道是哪個"衣")
像每逢大閘蟹當造, 很多人(esp. 某些高薪才俊)買一大箱回來吃, 只吃蟹膏, 其他的通通丟掉
無奈地, 聽聞這樣才叫懂得食喎....?!
毛球藥引2: 邊吃邊彈的人
再來就是邊吃邊彈的人, 不論吃什麼都說不好吃的人
魚爸稱這為習慣性抄牌, 可能他們其實志願當交通警?
我懷疑這些人同時患有焦點目光渴求症, 又或者可能只是純粹搞事
遇到這類人能避則避, 避不過的話盡快吃完就閃人, 不然好吃都邊難吃
毛球藥引3: 邊說自己不肚餓邊偷夾菜的人
好啦, 這話題就此打住 :)mini milk bread loaf 迷你牛奶吐司
recipe from // 絲絲牛奶麵包 by 小熊
牛奶 // 195ml
淡奶 // 70ml
蛋白 // 75g(約兩個)
糖 // 100g
奶粉 // 35g
高筋麵粉 // 500g
快速酵母 // 5g
奶油 // 75g
1. 除奶油外攪拌成團後,在加入奶油打出薄膜,基本發酵60分鐘
2. 排氣, 分割成12個, 滾圓,中間發酵20分鐘,橄平捲起成長柱型
3. 最後發酵成1.5倍大,擦上奶水或蛋白液,剪出條紋
4. 190C/375F,焗15分鐘即可。
Milk // 195ml
Evaporated milk // 70ml
Egg white // 75g (around 2)
Sugar // 100g
Powdered milk // 35g
Bread flour // 500g
Instant yeast // 5g
Butter // 75g
1. In a large bowl, combine everything except butter. Beat until well blended using a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment. Add in butter and knead until dough is smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball. Place dough in a greased bowl, and turn once. Cover, and let rise in a warm place for 60 minutes.
2. Punch the risen dough down completely. Divide in the dough into 12 balls. Let rest for 20 minutes. Roll each dough into long strip.
3. Let the dough rise until x1.5 in size. Brush egg wash or milk on the top of each dough. Cut the top for strips.
4. Bake 190C/375F for 15 minutes.
It's tiny! soooo cute! Three Flavors: chocolate, milk and 肉鬆
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
mini milk bread loaf 迷你牛奶吐司
topics :: recipe.bread
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Hi YuJai, thanks for visiting me! you have a very nice blog and your bakes are beautiful :)
Thanks for stopping by :)
It looks delicious and yummy. I like them all!
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