I miss 蓮香樓/居。真是巴閉,尤記得上次我可是足足等了3籠才搶到一碟馬拉糕到手呢!不過又真係巴閉得起喎!吃完之後有感動喔!
麵粉 // 38g
清水 // 19g
1. 第一天:搓揉成麵團,蓋上保鮮膜,發酵 24 小時。
2. 第二天:將麵團的1/2或1/3分量棄掉,餘下的麵團+麵粉38g+清水19g搓揉成麵團,發12~16小時。
3. 第三天:將麵團的1/2或1/3分量棄掉,餘下的麵團+麵粉38g+清水19g搓揉成麵團,發12~16小時。
4. 第四天:將麵團的1/2或1/3分量棄掉,餘下的麵團+麵粉38g+清水19g搓揉成麵團,發12~16小時後,化身成中國娃娃--已發酵麵種。
麵種 // 204g
糖 // 204g
蛋 // 3
吉士粉 // 22g
奶粉 // 38g
高筋麵粉 // 34g
淡奶 // 少許
泡打粉 // 8g
鹼水 // 1/2 tsp
菜油 // 20g
牛油,溶化 // 20g
1. 將A料中麵種和糖打滑,攪至糖溶化,分次加入蛋,再加入麵粉,吉士粉,奶粉,淡奶打勻混合。
2. 攪妥成蛋漿後,用布或保鮮紙蓋著,待發酵一夜(從用眼看發至2倍以上為準,如冬天時間側要較長),使雞蛋粉漿發酵成熟,這樣糕蒸出來會較滑。
3. 第2天用少量麵種糊加入泡打粉攪勻,再將兩者混合攪勻麵糊。加入梘水攪勻(麵糊明顯已轉色),再逐少加入熱牛油及菜油攪至滑身。
4. 篜盆鋪紙掃油,用大火蒸25-30分鐘即成。Malay cake / Ma Lai Go
9" round cake
:starter dough:
revised from麵種的誕生by小三看天下
Flour // 38g
Water // 19g
1. Day 1: Combine the ingredients into a dough, covered with plastic wrap and let rise for 24 hours.
2. Day 2: Throw away 1/2 or 1/3 of the dough, combine the remaining dough with 38g flour + 19g water. Let rise for 12-16 hours.
3. Day 3: Throw away 1/2 or 1/3 of the dough, combine the remaining dough with 38g flour + 19g water. Let rise for 12-16 hours.
4. Day 4: Throw away 1/2 or 1/3 of the dough, combine the remaining dough with 38g flour + 19g water. Let rise for 12-16 hours. Now the starter dough is completed.
:Ma lai go/ Malay cake:
Starter dough // 204g
Sugar // 204g
Eggs // 3
Custard powder (or pudding mix) // 22g
Milk powder // 38g
Bread flour // 34g
Evaporated milk // A little bit
Baking powder // 8g
Akaline Water // 1/2 tsp
Vegetable oil // 20g
Butter, melt // 20g
1. Combine starter dough and sugar until sugar are dissolved. Add in eggs, one at a time, then mix in flour, custard powder, milk powder and evaporated milk.
2. Pour the egg mixture into a large bowl, covered with plastic wrap and let rise for a night or until double in volume.
3. Next day, combine scrap a little bit egg mixture into a small bowl, mix in baking powder to combine. Fold back into the remaining egg mixture. Add akaline Water, mix to combine. Add in melt butter and vegetable oil, fold to combine.
4. Place parchment paper around inside a pastry ring or cake pan, then brush the bottom and the side with oil, steam the egg mixture with high heat for 25~30 minutes.
1. Akaline Water can be bought in Chinese grocery store like Ranch99.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Malay cake / Ma Lai Go (traditional method) 古法馬拉糕
topics :: recipe.cake | recipe.chinese
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Would you be able to have this recipe translated? I love ma lai go, but I can't read Chinese!! I would love to try making this!
Updated! It's a lot of work though...think twice if you really want to make it yourself :D
Can you please tell me what hydration is the final starter? I usually keep my starter at 100%. I love this cake... can't wait to try it! Thank you!
Wow! Your recipe looks soo good! :)
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