The easiest cookies ever!granola bars
20 pieces
8 inch square pan
Oats // 2 cup
Sesame seeds // 3/4 cup
Almonds, whole // 1 cup
Brown sugar // 2/3 cups
Honey // 1/2 cup
Peanut butter // 4 tbsp
Vanilla extract // 2 tsp
Salt // 1/2 tsp
Dried cranberries // 1/2 cup
1. Preheat oven at 350F, toast almonds, seeds for 10 - 12 minutes. Combine oats, seeds, almonds and dried cranberries in a large bowl.
2. Combine brown sugar, honey, butter, vanilla extract and salt, bring to simmer. Pour the hot caramel into the dried ingredients mixture. Mix to combine.
3. Line foil or parchment paper in the square pan and pour in the combined mixture. Place another piece of foil or parchment paper on top of the mixture and use the back of a spoon or any tool with a flat bottom (I use the measuring cup) to press the mixture firmly into the pan and create a flat surface.
4. Let it chill in the refrigerator until firm.
20 pieces
燕麥片 // 2 cup
芝麻 // 3/4 cup
原粒杏仁 // 1 cup
黃糖 // 2/3 cups
蜜糖 // 1/2 cup
花生醬 // 4 tbsp
雲呢拿油 // 2 tsp
鹽 // 1/2 tsp
莓越蔓乾 // 1/2 cup
1. 焗爐預熱至350F,放入原粒杏仁和芝麻焗10~12分鐘。燕麥片、芝麻、原粒杏仁和莓越蔓乾放入一大碗內混合。
2. 小鍋內放入黃糖、蜜糖、花生醬、鹽,小火煮至小滾。離火後加入雲呢拿油,混合好後倒入放乾料的大碗內混合。
3. 方模內鋪上錫紙或爐紙,倒入混合好的餅乾料。表面再放上另一張焗爐紙,用湯匙或任何有平面的工具(我用量匙)用力壓平表面填滿方模。
4. 放入雪櫃雪硬即可。
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
granola bars: Healthy and tasty ♥
topics :: recipe.cookies
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I have been wanting to try granola bars for quite some time, but now I think I will try these - they look so good.
They are quick and easy :) I made them very often too!
I never knew how easy they were to make! Thank you for the recipe. I made these last night. My husband said they are delicious and much better than the store bought. I enjoyed them too. I may use golden sugar next time, as the brown sugar was a little strong for me. But still very much enjoyable.
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