I finally try my first attempt on puff pastry! The result is great, except my arms were sore for 3 days...!! Pastry chefs have just become my new idols! How would they do that everyday? I bet they all have 6 packs!!
The Chinese puff pastry is so much easier than the pâte feuilletée, doesn't require chilling and you can use it right the way. Making the swirl is fun, maybe I will try making the Taiwanese mooncake next year.蘿蔔絲酥餅
recipe revised from Eric 艾先生 camelking's house
: 外皮 :
中筋麵粉 // 420
糖粉 // 24
豬油 // 170
水 // 190
1. 中筋麵粉 + 豬油 + 糖粉,攪拌均勻。依序加入水。
2. 打到成糰放置鬆弛30分鐘。
3. 分切成30g一個。
: 油酥 :
低筋麵粉 // 270
豬油 // 130
1. 豬油 + 低筋麵粉,攪拌均勻。
2. 攪拌候用手抓勻。
3. 分成20g(個)。
: 內餡 :
蘿蔔絲 // 160g
鹽 // 少許
糖 // 2g
白胡椒粉 // 2g
水 // 100g
蝦米 // 適量
蔥 // 適量
辣榨菜 // 依個人口味
辣油 // 依個人口味
1. 將新鮮蘿蔔切絲
2. 放入滾水中煮滾即撈起 (不能煮太爛)。
3. 放入鍋中乾炒 (炒掉水分) 至泛黃。
4. {辣味} 乾蘿蔔絲 + 蝦皮 + 蔥 + 辣油 + 辣榨菜,拌炒。
{不辣} 乾蘿蔔絲 + 蔥 + 沙拉油,拌炒。
5. 依口味加鹽 + 胡椒。
6. 加糖拌炒均勻
1. 外皮壓平,包入油酥,再壓成長條
1. 紅色一點點的是bacon bits,因為快過期了,所以隨手就加上去了!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
the hard working pastries 勤勞的酥皮 1 : 蘿蔔絲酥餅
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Yummy!! That looks really good...makes me want to visit a bakery.
Btw, what does "life as a H4" mean? Is that a design or cooking term??
H4 is my visa status in US :)
Hi Hi!
Your 1st attempt is marvelous! Palmiers looks great! Really?! I thought Chinese puff pastry is lot more difficult to make! I can never find that 酥油 or 豬油....
Also, I want to wish you and hubby a lovely holiday season!
I don't think you can get 豬油 anywhere nowadays unless you make your own! I just use shortening and butter instead.
Wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year, sweetie!
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