Thursday, June 12, 2008

my fabulous invitations

I've finally have time to update this blog again! Gosh, I was like in hell for past couple weeks!

My Invitation Set

cover & back cover - letterpressed by a local printer
insert - doubled sided printed by myself using Gocco
map - digitally printed by a laser printer
envelopes - decorated with a custom-made embosser

front cover

Letterpress front and back cover by a local printer. It's great that we did this over barter of services! Yeah! Always cool to be a designer XD

back cover

To save $$ for response card (and also to kill less trees), we used for confirming our guest lists. I seriously think response card is a waste of $$...

invitation insert

Insert printed double-sided, printed using Gocco. Corners are made by craft punch, you can get them in most craft stores. Time consuming but low cost!


Digitally printed by laser printer


I custom made an embosser in Hong Kong (less than US$20!! HK rocks!! no tax dude!) with the birds that I drew. Stamped it on the back of the envelope, nice touch erh?!

The making of...

Cutting the paper

Yup, I hand cut all the papers! Oh yes, I am loca

Rotary Cutter

This is probably my best ever investment in crafts tool

Ready to print!

It actually turned out quite nice, even though was trimmed by hand

Gocco Machine

Drying the ink - Chinese side

I want to have both languages printed on the same page, the guests just simply doesn't need that much info, so I decided to do one side with Chinese, another side with English and use the side whenever it's appropriate.

Drying the ink - English side

Assembly line of invitations

comment | 12 comments:
Anonymous said...


Venus ~ Vi said...

Very fabulous indeed! Love the different shades of yellow!

Yujai said...

表表: 得啦,留0左張俾你喇~

Vi: I can finally move on to decoration now XD

Unknown said...

The colors look fresh~

素顏天使 said...


this card is REALLY REALLY nice and tasteful!!! fantastic~ :D

Petti said...

The invitation is so nicely done! Yujai rocks!!!

cece said...

你好呀, search gocco時見到你個blog架, 我覺得你整得好好呀, 所以我有d問題想問下你

1) 你cover, 黃色個囍字, 係用printer印, 定用gocco架, 因為我見你個囍字有凹凸效果.
2) 我見你張帖後頁, 上下兩個對角, 有個位入住張黃card, 呢個位係你自己界定用機械整架?

好似好多問題咁....因為我都為自己個婚禮而頭痛緊, 希望你可以解答我啦, thanks

Yujai said...

siukwan: 開心的顏色:D

素顏天使: Thanks for dropping by! Come visit again :)

cece: It's letterpress, cannot be done without special equipment. The corners are made by crafty punches. You can get them in most craft stores.

Emily said...

你好呀,無意中發現你個blog,你自己整張帖好靚呀, 我都為我張帖煩惱梗, 我想問你個Gocco同crafty punches喺邊度買架?我行過好多文具舖同一d手工藝舖頭都搵唔到, 可唔可以話我知購買地址呀??Thank you!!

Yujai said...

Emily: 我估HK無得買囉...gocco I bought it from eBay; crafty punch, I bought from local craft store.

Unknown said...

Hi, where do u find the local printer for the letterpress? Can you tell me the address and contact information?

dwejikalbi said...

Hi! I'm traveling to HK soon and I would love to get letterpress printing for my invitations. Can you please tell me your printer's name and address and how much it cost?

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